Needs: ALL dancers will need a pair of TAP shoes -
please wait and verify style - will depend on age / experience
Little dancers: are Maryjane (flats)
Older girls: are heel 1 1/2in character shoe style
Boys: Unisex
* I start my dance season with some shoes to RENT .....
Girls-$5.00 Boys-$10.00 Heels-$15/00b)
AND a pair of non-marking TENNIS SHOES
bring to every class
Attire: Comfortable - safe for self and others around them ....
every class will learn some form of TAP style (different counts & put)
and a NOVELTY (another style of dance).
Our goal is a well rounded dancer with exposure to many different
styles (salsa, country, hip-hop, Charleston, swing, waltz, ballet, etc)
Senior Centers: during the dance season we will try and go out to
our neighborhood Senior Centers for small shows and a chance
practice. These are for dancers and a parent only (room is
always limited so please plan accordingly). These are usually
announced in early March.
Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions 503-543-5443 or email: Facebook: Dance4fun